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Schools project

Unity makes us stronger

With this project, FC Andorra aims to bring the club closer to the children of the country through a series of fun and educational talks.

Under the name 'Unity makes us stronger' and with the help of the players of our first team, we seek to transmit such important values ​​in the world of football as teamwork and camaraderie, challenges that schools also face. Through personal experiences, our footballers show their more human side to establish themselves as role models for the little ones.

We visit schools
If you are part of an educational center and want more information about the project, fill out the following form and we will contact you.

Our visits

Col·legi Mare Janer

🗓️ 16/10/2024

👤 Nico Ratti & Assane Ndiaye

Col·legi Sant Ermengol

🗓️ 6/11/2024

👤 Sergio Molina & Álvaro Martín

Escola Andorrana Santa Coloma

🗓️ 22/11/2024

👤 Pablo Trigueros & Pau Casadesús

Escola Andorrana Sant Julià

🗓️ 4/12/2024

👤 Joel Arumí & Juanda Fuentes

Col·legi Sagrada Família

🗓️ 15/01/2025

👤 Luismi Redondo