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Ferran Costa: "Sometimes, behind the tears, opportunity is born"

Coach Ferran Costa has assessed how the team is facing the last game of the season after a difficult week once relegation was confirmed.

#ParauladeMíster | Pre-match vs Racing Ferrol

"It has not been an easy week. The situation brings it like that, but we play at home and here it is already a matter of individual responsibility of each one to play a good game and finish in a correct way. This is where we have to put the focus ". 

"It is clear that we would have liked to arrive in a different situation. Tomorrow is the last game of a season that has been complicated, where unfortunately we have had to suffer a lot and this is the last game to close a stage and start a new one project. But things must not be mixed up: now it is time to close this stage, which has had many positive moments, even though this season has not been like that, and those who have starred in it must close it. Then, an exciting future will come, where we must build and we must be clear about what the foundations must be. Tomorrow we must give the image that the club and our people deserve."

"I face tomorrow's game from the responsibility of knowing that it has been a very difficult season for our people. The preparation for the game during the week has been the same, we have seen our last game, we have corrected and analyzed Racing de Ferrol, who are having a brutal season, who are working very well, have a great coach and a very clear idea of ​​the game. And my idea to prepare for tomorrow's game is to do the same as we would have done if we we would have played something."

"It is not yet time to talk about the future. First it is important that we close one thing to start another and, from there, we will talk about it. I do think that there are some things that are non-negotiable. The people who will be part of the project must feel that this is the most important thing and that there is only one way to do things: the club and the country are above everything and you give everything when defending these colors."

"I don't like the concept of 'playing for nothing'. When you go out to play a match, the goal must be very clear: to win. We would have liked to have a qualifying goal, but even if it is not a situation we like, we are ending a season in which we have not been able to respond and we have to play the best possible game and go out and win."

"The best way to talk is to work and persevere. When I decided to come to Andorra, I decided because I think it is an ideal place to build. Sometimes in front of difficulty and behind tears, opportunity is born. We must analyze and see what has not allowed the team to compete as it would like. I think there are things that can be salvaged and, from here, we need to grow, improve, evolve and get excited about the challenges we have to come in".
