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First Team

Four goals to close an unforgettable season

Andorra closed out their first season in professional football with a vibrant victory in a game with seven goals. Villarreal B have advanced twice, but the tricolours turned the scoring around in a magnificent second half. With all three points, Eder Sarabia's side are momentarily placed in seventh position.

The game started with a double scare on Nico Ratti's goal on a corner kick: the keeper deflected the first shot and Alex Millán's second shot went to the crossbar. And just in the 7th minute came the first goal of the game, in a quick transition that culminated Tiago in the back of the net. Andorra reacted well and the game, as in the entire first half, was intense and with opportunities in both areas. At the 23th minute, Rubén Bover equalized the score from a free-kick, while Carlos and Alti, that hit the crossbar, were about to score the 2-1. But before the break, what came was Villarreal's second goal

On the restart, the tricolours came out ready to go for the game and in a blink of an eye they scored two goals to turn the scoring around. First Mika, with a rocket from outside the area (51'), and five minutes later Carlos, culminating a great collective move. With 3-2, Andorra's best minutes came, but the game got out of control one by the wayside, the tricolours could not rule and the equaliser came with a goal from Tasende (82'). But this game had to end with a local victory and that's how it has been. After a good combination of Bundu and Pecha, Jacobo scored the final 4-3.
